endre ady artinya
- endre ady
- ady (album): aadi (album)
- endpaper: penyimpanan aman
- endozoan: endoparasit
- endowment policy: asuransi dwiguna
- endowment mortgage: hipotek sokongan
- Arany is among several other "true classics" including Sándor Pet?fi, the poet of the Revolution of 1848, Endre Ady, Mihály Babits, Dezs? Kosztolányi, Attila József, and János Pilinszky.
Tokoh-tokoh "klasik sejati" lainnya meliputi Sándor Pet?fi (penulis puisi pada masa Revolusi 1848), Endre Ady, Mihály Babits, Dezs? Kosztolányi, Attila József, dan János Pilinszky.